Matt Drozd, a former councilman for the second largest county of PA, has a long history of service to our country and extensive experience in both the business and public sectors. He ran a small international health care company and while working for a regional economic development group, he was instrumental in helping to create approximately 20,000 jobs for Southwestern Pennsylvania. He was also a former Program Controller for ABC World News, working alongside such notable newscasters as Peter Jennings. As one of the top fund raisers for Penn State University, he raised over $20 million to benefit college students.

Matt also has an extensive military background. When called to active duty, he put his country before his personal and business affairs by putting his life on hold for many years.  Although he founded Medtec Inc. in 1988, he only recently was able to restart his business after returning home from extended active duty including two overseas tours in high risk combat Zones.   He provided critical information to NORAD for the defense of our country while serving at the Pentagon. As a Lt Colonel in the Medical Service Corps of the Air Force; he served for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, all the Surgeon Generals of the three military branches, the Secretary of Defense, and in the Pol Mil Bureau at the State Department. He also formulated homeland security plans that helped protect our country following the 911 terrorist attacks. Matt Drozd has continually volunteered for active duty and deployed overseas twice to protect our foreign embassies and troops against terrorism. He helped coordinate the care and air evacuation of wounded military members. Along with numerous commendations and administrative awards, Matt has received the Defense Meritorious Service Award numerous times.